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Activity 1 Analyse a radiation budget Study figure a showing the December radiation budget for the Earth at different latitudes, and then answer the followir questions: 1 What is the highest amount of incoming radiation? 2 The place with the highest incoming radiation is in which hemisphere? Give a reason for your answer. (Hint: What is the season?) 3 At what latitude in this hemisphere is there a balance between incoming and outgoing radiation? 4 In this hemisphere, what was the amount of surplus eners recorded for December at a latitude of \( 45^{\circ} \) ? 5 What is the energy balance at \( 45^{\circ} \) latitude in the other hemisphere? Explain the difference.

Ask by Wells Wood. in South Africa
Jan 20,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


1. The highest incoming radiation is at the equator or near the tropics. 2. It's in the Southern Hemisphere because December is summer there. 3. The balance occurs around \( 30^{\circ} \) to \( 40^{\circ} \) latitude in the Southern Hemisphere. 4. At \( 45^{\circ} \) latitude in the Southern Hemisphere, there's a surplus of about 100 W/m². 5. In the Northern Hemisphere at \( 45^{\circ} \) latitude, there's a deficit of about 50 W/m². The difference is due to the seasons: Southern Hemisphere is summer, Northern Hemisphere is winter.


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Answered by UpStudy AI and reviewed by a Professional Tutor

The Deep Dive

The December radiation budget reveals an intriguing pattern where the highest amount of incoming radiation typically occurs near the equator, particularly in the tropical regions. This is due to the fact that the sun's rays are more direct at lower latitudes during this time, leading to more intense solar energy absorption. In the Southern Hemisphere, often reaching its summer solstice in December, high incoming radiation is expected. The reason? The Southern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun during this month, which increases solar insolation significantly. Hence, as the latitude increases, the radiant energy surplus becomes noticeable and noteworthy!

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