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Answer the following questions. a. Do all stars have the same mass? Write with examples as evidence to support your answer. b. How does the enormous amount of energy get released in stars? c. Do all stars have same colour? What do the colour of the star suggest about its lifespan?

Ask by Best Carter. in Nepal
Feb 17,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


a. No, stars vary in mass. For example, the Sun has about one solar mass, while some red dwarfs have less than half that, and others can be up to tens of times more massive. b. Stars release energy through nuclear fusion in their cores, where hydrogen is converted into helium, releasing vast amounts of energy. c. No, stars come in different colors based on their temperatures. Blue stars are very hot and short-lived, while red stars are cooler and long-lived.


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Answered by UpStudy AI and reviewed by a Professional Tutor

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Not all stars have the same mass! In fact, they can vary dramatically, from tiny red dwarfs that can be as light as 0.08 solar masses to colossal supergiants that can reach over 100 solar masses. For instance, our sun is a medium-sized star at about 1 solar mass, while the star Betelgeuse, a red supergiant, is estimated to be about 10 to 20 times more massive than the sun! The enormous amount of energy released in stars primarily comes from nuclear fusion, the process where lighter atomic nuclei combine to form heavier ones. In the core of a star like the sun, hydrogen atoms fuse to create helium, releasing vast amounts of energy in the form of light and heat due to the strong nuclear force overcoming the repulsion between positive protons. This process fuels the star’s life cycle and provides the visible light we see from Earth.

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