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Cepe Town Source: http:/ + High+Pressure+ Systems.jpal 2.4 Refer to FIGURE 2.4, based on inland temperature inversion. 2.4.1 What is temperature inversion? \[ (1 \times 1) \] 2.4.2 Which season is represented by the position of the inversion layer in sketch A? \[ (1 \times 1) \] 2.4.3 Draw a simple cross-section which will show the position of the temperature inversion in sketch B. \[ (2 \times 1) \] 2.4.4 Explain why the position of the inversion layer varies between winter and summer. \[ (2 \times 2) \] 2.4.5 In a paragraph of approximately EIGHT lines, evaluate the influence of the position of the inversion layer in sketch \( \mathbf{A} \) on the climate and how it impacts negatively on economic activities in the interior of South Africa. \( (4 \times 2) \) (8)

Ask by Marshall Hobbs. in the United States
Feb 13,2025

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Temperature inversion is when air near the ground is cooler than the air above it. In winter, this layer forms close to the ground due to cold nights. The inversion traps pollutants and prevents mixing, leading to poor air quality and cold weather that can harm agriculture and transportation in South Africa's interior.


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Temperature inversion occurs when a layer of warmer air traps cooler air beneath it, preventing normal atmospheric mixing. This phenomenon can lead to increased pollution levels, as cooler air is stagnant, allowing pollutants from urban areas to accumulate. In a city like Cape Town, where natural geography may enhance this effect, elevated pollution can worsen air quality and respiratory issues for residents. During winter, the inversion layer is typically positioned closer to the surface due to colder air near the ground and warmer air above it, which can create stable atmospheric conditions. This stability can result in fog and smog in valleys and can also inhibit cloud formation and precipitation, leading to drier conditions that impact agriculture and water supply, which are crucial for both the economy and general well-being of the communities involved.

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