
2. Folded mountains form as the result of A. shear. B. tension. C. compression.

Ask by Wood Peterson. in the United States
Feb 12,2025

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Folded mountains are formed by compression.


Folded mountains form as a result of: C. compression. ### Explanation: - **Compression** occurs when tectonic plates push against each other, causing the Earth's crust to fold. This process leads to the formation of folded mountains, where layers of rock are bent and deformed. - **Shear** involves forces that cause parts of the crust to slide past each other, which can lead to faulting rather than folding. - **Tension** refers to forces that pull apart the crust, leading to the formation of rift valleys rather than mountains. Thus, the correct answer is C. compression.

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The Deep Dive

Folded mountains are primarily formed through the process of compression, where tectonic plates push against each other. Think of it like squeezing a fresh loaf of bread—the crusty surface begins to buckle and fold under pressure, creating those dramatic peaks and valleys we often associate with mountain ranges like the Himalayas. When it comes to real-world application, folded mountains significantly influence local climates and ecosystems. Their towering heights can create rain shadows, leading to lush vegetation on one side while drying out the other. This dramatically affects agriculture and even the types of wildlife that thrive in those regions, making them fascinating natural laboratories for environmental study!

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