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NAME Topic 7.4.Guided Reading Activity Medieval South Asia and East Asia Lesson 4 I Early Japan and Korea DIRECTIONS: Locate each heading below in your Student Edition. Then use the information under the correct heading and subheading to answer the questions. I. Early Japan A. How did Japan's geography affect how the early Japanese people saw themselves?

Ask by Ellis Collins. in the United States
Nov 22,2024

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La geografía de Japón influyó en la percepción de los primeros japoneses sobre su identidad, creando un sentido de aislamiento y singularidad.


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Japan's geography, being an archipelago surrounded by the ocean, instilled a sense of isolation in the early Japanese people. This isolation fostered a unique cultural identity, as they developed their customs and traditions largely untainted by outside influences. The mountains and forests also meant that communities were often separated, which contributed to the formation of distinct local cultures and practices. Furthermore, the natural landscape of Japan, with its beautiful mountains and coastal views, inspired early Japanese art and literature. The reverence for nature became a fundamental part of their belief system, leading to the Shinto religion, which celebrated kami, or spirits, found in natural elements. Thus, geography not only shaped their self-perception but also deeply influenced their spirituality and artistic expressions.

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