
Use the figures on this page and an atlas. 1. a) Which line of latitude is the biggest circle? b) Every line of latitude has a number. The equator is \( 0^{\circ} \). What is the highest latitude on the globe?

Ask by Norris Rojas. in South Africa
Jan 18,2025

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The Equator is the largest circle of latitude. The highest latitudes on Earth are 90° North (North Pole) and 90° South (South Pole).


Sure, let's address each part of your question: ### 1. a) **Which line of latitude is the biggest circle?** The **Equator** is the largest circle of latitude on Earth. It divides the planet into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and has the greatest circumference of any circle of latitude, measuring approximately **40,075 kilometers (24,901 miles)**. This makes it the biggest circle compared to all other lines of latitude, which are smaller as they move towards the poles. ### 1. b) **What is the highest latitude on the globe?** Latitude measures how far north or south a location is from the Equator, which is at **0° latitude**. The highest possible latitudes are: - **90° North (90° N)**: This is the **North Pole**, the northernmost point on Earth. - **90° South (90° S)**: This is the **South Pole**, the southernmost point on Earth. These points represent the maximum extents of latitude on the globe. No location on Earth has a latitude greater than **90°** north or south. ### **Summary:** - **a)** The **Equator** is the largest (biggest) circle of latitude. - **b)** The highest latitudes are **90° North** (North Pole) and **90° South** (South Pole). If you have access to an atlas, you can visualize these lines of latitude and their positions on the globe to better understand their significance.

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The biggest circle on the globe is the equator, located at \( 0^{\circ} \) latitude, as it divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The equator is the only latitude line that is a great circle, meaning it has the largest circumference, which is why it’s the most prominent reference in geography. The highest latitude on the globe is \( 90^{\circ} \), which occurs at both the North and South poles. At these points, all lines of longitude converge, and you can't go any further north than the North Pole or south than the South Pole. It’s the ultimate travel destination for those seeking to reach the extremes of the Earth!

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