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Divide: \( 7 \longdiv { 9 3 . 8 } \)

Ask by Mann Owen. in the United States
Feb 28,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


The result of dividing 93.8 by 7 is 13.4.


We're asked to divide 93.8 by 7 (that is, 7 goes into 93.8). Here’s a step-by-step explanation of the long division process:  Step 1. Identify how many times 7 goes into 93.8.   a. First, look at 9 in 93.8. Since 9 is larger than 7, 7 goes into 9 once. Write 1 above the 9.   b. Multiply 1 by 7 to get 7. Subtract 7 from 9 to get a remainder of 2.  Step 2. Bring down the next digit, which is 3 (making the number 23 from the remainder 2).   a. Now, determine how many times 7 fits into 23.   b. 7 × 3 = 21, which is less than 23. Write 3 next to the 1, making the quotient so far 13.   c. Subtract 21 from 23 to get a remainder of 2.  Step 3. Notice the decimal point: place a decimal point in the quotient directly above its position in the dividend.   a. Next, bring down the 8 (from after the decimal point) along with the remainder of 2 to form 28.   b. Determine how many times 7 goes into 28. Since 7 × 4 = 28 exactly, write 4 next to 13 to form 13.4.   c. Subtract 28 from 28 to get a remainder of 0. Since there is no remainder, the division is complete. Thus, the result of dividing 93.8 by 7 is 13.4.

Answered by UpStudy AI and reviewed by a Professional Tutor

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Bonus Knowledge

First additional information: To perform long division with decimals, you can start by treating the divisor as a whole number. For the example \(7 \longdiv {9.38}\), you can ignore the decimal in \(9.38\) and multiply both the dividend and the divisor by 100, making it \(738 \longdiv {7}\). This transforms the problem into a more manageable integer division. Second additional information: When dividing \(7 \longdiv {9.38}\), you'll discover that \(9.38\) fits into \(7\) about \(0.79\) times! If you're performing the calculation by hand, remember to account for the decimal place by shifting it back in your final answer based on how far you moved it during your steps. Happy calculating!

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