How to convert py to ipynb in jupyter notebook?
Real Tutor Solution
Quick Answer
To convert a `.py` file to a `.ipynb` file in Jupyter Notebook, you can use the `nbconvert` tool.
Step-by-step Solution
1. Install `nbconvert` if not already installed:
Open a terminal and run:
pip install nbconvert
2. Convert the `.py` file to a `.ipynb` file:
Use the following command in the terminal:
jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute --output your_notebook.ipynb
Replace `` with the name of your Python script and `your_notebook.ipynb` with the desired name of the output notebook.
3. Open the converted notebook:
Start Jupyter Notebook and open the newly created `.ipynb` file.
Supplemental Knowledge:
Jupyter Notebooks have quickly become one of the go-to tools for data science, machine learning and general programming, offering an interactive coding environment. Files ending in `.py` indicate standard Python scripts while those ending in `.ipynb` represent Jupyter Notebook files capable of holding both code as well as rich text elements (like Markdown).
Theory in Practice:
Converting between formats can be useful in various circumstances. Let's say you have written an intricate Python data analysis script; by converting it to Jupyter Notebook you can add explanations, visualizations of data sets, step-by-step descriptions of analysis processes and make it simpler for others to comprehend your work / present your findings more clearly.
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