Geography Questions from Nov 07,2024

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Nov 07,2024, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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The first step in slope management is the identification of? 1. Potential failure areas such as faults, dykes and / or jointing with attitudes that would form a failure geometry. 2. Areas of higher water levels 3. The potentially unstable and / or show evidence of instability by displacement and tension cracks. Georgia has a unique set of road markings.TrueFalse Select the correct answer. Which layer of Earth is the densest and why is that so? A. The outer core is densest due to gravitational compression. B. The outer core is densest due to generation of radiogenic heat. C. The outer core is densest due to accretion. D. The inner core is densest due to gravitational compression. E. The inner core is densest due to generation of radiogenic heat. What is one major difference between the attributes of Mercury and Jupiter? A. Mercury is the planet that is closest to the Sun, while Jupiter is the farthest. B. Mercury is the coldest planet in the solar system, while Jupiter is the hottest. C. Mercury has no orbiting satellites, while Jupiter has many satellites circling it. D. Mercury has bands and rings visible from Earth, while Jupiter has no such bands. E. Mercury has a rich supply of methane, while Jupiter has a rich supply of hydrogen. 1. Peta tematik dibuat dengan tujuan .... a. menampilkan bentuk muka bumi secara alami b. menyajikan komponen peta secara c. memberisteman suatu informasi secara c. spesifik d. menjelaskan batas administrasi daerah e. menggambarkan wilayah yang luas
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