Geography Questions from Nov 12,2024

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Nov 12,2024, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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5. What land features are located in the southern part of Africa might have impacted the migration of the Bantu and why? Which European power focused its efforts on the \[ \text { fur trade in North America? } \] England Spain France Which foreign traders were allowed access to th Nagasaki Port during Japan's isolation? European and American traders British and Spanish traders Dutch and Chinese traders 3. (HS-ESS2-3) What is the source of energy which drives the convection currents within the Earth? How does the rock age relate to evidence for tectonic plates? (HS-ESS2-3) In the lower mantle and asthenosphere, the matter can be described as a fluid, viscous solid. What is happening to this material in the mantle during convection? fil longitudinal do solo obtido por meio da sondagem a percussão possibilitou a investigação do subsolo, ser da entre 0 e \( 2,5 \mathrm{~m} \) com \( \gamma \mathrm{n}=16,1 \mathrm{kN} / \mathrm{m}^{3} \) de areia fofa siltosa cor variegada, camada entre 2,5 e \( 4,0 \mathrm{~m}, \gamma \mathrm{n}=17,2 \mathrm{k} \) reia siltosa pouco argilosa cor marrom escuro e camada entre 4,5 e \( 7,0 \mathrm{~m}, \gamma \mathrm{n}=21,3 \mathrm{kN} / \mathrm{m}^{3} \) com pedregulho cor . A tensão vertical no final nas três ( 03 ) camadas é: 2. Which of the following concepts identifies the distinctive traits and physical features that affect how people think about place? a. sense of place b. placemaking c. community d. neighborhood e. cultural landscape 8. ¿Qué tipo de clima se caracteriza por tener veranos calurosos e inviernos fríos? a) Clima tropical b) Clima templado c) Clima continental d) Clima polar ¿Qué factor climático se refiere a la cantidad de radiación solar que recibe una región? Latitud -) Altitud f) Proximidad a los océanos d) Vegetación
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