Geography Questions from Nov 14,2024

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There were many planned cities on the frontier. What purpose did the city of Athens serve? (1 point) It was home to the University of Georgia. It served as the state capital and seat of the government. It was a center for trade with countries overseas. Which of these is NOT a reason cities. developed first along waterways? (1 point) Rivers were used for transportation Reople used rivers for recreational purposes like swimming and diving Rivers provided a food source since people could use them for fishing What was the purpose of land lotteries in Georgia? (1 point) to encourage settlement along Georgia's coasts to legalize the distribution of land sold under the Yazoo Land Fraud to discourage conflict with Georgia's large corporations to make the distribution of land more fair after the Yazoo Land Fraud Which of these has never served as the capital of Georgia? (1 point) Savannah Augusta Milledgeville Macon Which is true of the University of Georgia? (1 point) It was founded by the first President of the United States. It was the first African American university in the country. It provided education for the first three governors of the state of Georgia. Which describes the main reason Georgia's capital moved so many times? (1 point) British occupation in Georgia along the Atlantic coast, continued conflict with Creek Indians across various areas of the state economic and population growth in the western and northwestern parts of the state growth of tobacco farming businesses in the western part of the state 4. Salah satu dampaknegatif letakgeografis Indonesia adalah .... a. Indonesia mendapat pengaruh b. Indogatif budaya asing c. Indonesia miskin sumber daya alam d. yang banyak Indonesia terhindamlah penduduk e. Indari penye- Indonesia terhindar dari perdagangan manusia 3. Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang terdiri atas pulau besar dan pulau- pulau kecil. Pulau terbesar di Indonesia adalah.... a. Kalimantan b. Sumatra c. Sulawesi d. Papua e. Timor Leste 1. Letak suatu wilayah berdasarkan garis koordinat peta yaitu garis lintang dan garis bujur disebut letak.... a. geografis b. geologis c. letak wilayah d. astronomis e. daerah What made it difficult for the ancient Egyptians to transport goods southward down 1 Jile?
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