Geography Questions from Nov 19,2024

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Nov 19,2024, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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2. Ano ang mgá katangian ng mga Katutubong Panitikan? Which Chilean food is known all around the world?A. onionsB. seafoodC. riceD. kiwi ELATIBONG LOKASYON: Tukuyin kung anong bansa o lugar ang binabanggit sa m umusunod na bilang. 1. Ang Pilipinas ay nasa timog 2. Ano ang nasa silangan ng China? 3. Anong bansa ang nasa timog ng India? 4. Anong pinakamalapit na bansa ang nasa hilaga ng Thailand?5. Anong dagat ang nasa silangan ng Pilipinas? 4. Which of the following rock sample contains fine texture? A. gneiss B. hornfels C. quartzite D. metaconglomerate 5. What rock is the result of the metamorphism of sandstones? A. slate B. schist C. marble D. phyllite 6. What are the main factors for contact metamorphism to occur? A. air and water B. heat and reactive fluid C. temperature and water D. pressure and temperature 7. How do you describe the grain size texture of Hornfels? A. It has fine texture B. It has coarse texture C. It has coarse to fine texture D. It has medium coarse texture 8. Which of the following rock samples is less influenced by the heat? A. phyllite B. gneiss C. schist D. slate 9. Which of the following is NOT true about metamorphism? A. Slate and gneiss are examples of foliated rock. B. Contact metamorphism creates non-foliated rocks. C. Pressure is the main factor of contact metamorphism. D. Magma will bake the surrounding rocks due to different in temperature. 10. What happens to the grain size of the minerals in rocks when the heat is increased? A. It increases B. It decreases C. It remains constant D. It degrades intermittently11. Which of the following DOESNT belong to the group? A. dolomite B. feldspar C. mica D. quartz  1. How are earthquakes distributed on the map? 2. Where are they situated?  Ano ang mga pangkat etniko ng Cambodia? Value: 5 In what layer does weather occur? a. Troposphere b. Stratosphere c. Lithosphere d. Thermosphere Value: 5 Airplanes fly in which layer? \( \begin{array}{l}\text { a. Troposphere } \\ \text { b. Stratosphere } \\ \text { c. Mesosphere } \\ \text { d. Thermosphere }\end{array} \) Het klimaat verandert waardoor extreme weersomstandigheden toenemen. Als een gevolg daarvan stiggt de zeespiegel. Dat merken wij ook in Suriname. Op enkele locaties langs de Oost-Westverbinding vormt de erosie van de kust een directe bedreiging voor mens en dier. a. Wat is het probleem dat aangepakt moet worden om de directe bedreiging voor mens en dier te verminderen? 3p 8. How did railroads impact the population of Manchester?
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