Geography Questions from Nov 28,2024

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Nov 28,2024, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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What groups or countries are the counterrevolutionaries in Yemen? Saudi Arabia and its proxies, especially the deposed interim President Hadi. Socialists that wanted to divide Yemen once again. Yemeni communists that wanted to establish a communist state. Islamists led by al-Qa'eda in Yemen to create an Islamic state. What were the main reasons of Ansarullah (Houthis) in Yemen to rise against the interim President, Mansur Hadi? To create a pro-Houthi government in Aden to ensure their economic group interests. None of the above. Inefficiency of the New government under President Hadi, especially his failure to create a democracy. Ansarullah (Houthis) wanted to bring a pro-Iran government into power to support Tehran agenda in the region. 3 Erläutere Wegeners Hypothese von der Kontinentalverschiebung (M2, Text). Beziehe dein Wissen zum Schalenauf- bau mit ein. 1 Beschreibe das „Plattenpuzzle" der Erde (M3). A soil profile in a humid tropical biome reveals highly weathered soils. Which mineral is most likely dominant in these soils? a. Calcite due to high rainfall. b. Quartz due to its resistance to weathering. d. Halite due to salinity in the root zone. It is a major urban center that plays a significant role in the global economy and has a significant influence on the world's political, cultural and social affairs. Your answer Most commonly defined as the command and control centers of the global economy. Your answer Global Cities are characterized by what? Your answer How long does it take to drive through indiana? What is the geographic location of the nearest country to the United States besides Canada and Mexico? 13. River flowing southwest to the Andaman Sea14. Body of water located at 10°S, 135°E15. Body of water bordering Thailand & Myanmar16. Body of water southwest of the Celebes Sea17 River that flows southeast
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