Geography Questions from Feb 03,2025

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Feb 03,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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The elevation of New Orleans, Louisiana, is -6 feet. Which of the following best describes -6 feet? A. 6 feet below sea level B. 6 feet above sea level C. 3 feet below sea level D. 3 feet above sea level Look at the map of Canada. Where is Quebec? O B C OB 3.2.6 In a paragraph of approximately EIGHT lines, explain how the geostrophic wind develops. 3.2.3 Provide the wind direction at A. 3.2.4 \( \begin{array}{l}\text { In which hemisphere is this geostrophic wind developing? } \\ \text { Provide a reason for your answer. }\end{array} \) 9. Bereken die Magnetiese Peling van die bo-stande punta (Vraug 8) as if'n Mognetiese Dekinosie von \( 22^{\circ} 10^{\prime} \) Wes het./Calculale the Mognelic Bearing between the points (Question 8) if the Magnetic Decination is \( 22^{\prime} 10^{\prime} \) West. 10. Wat is die hoogte bo seeviak van die dam in H5? What is the height above seclevel of the dorm in H5? 11. Wat is cie kaartvenuysingenommer van die kaart Suidoos van die 2926 h Bloemfontein kaart?/What is the mop reference sheet of the mop South East of the 2926 AA Bloemfontein mop? Name the main longitude line at O degrees Berilah tanda centang \( (\checkmark) \) pada pernyataan yang tepat! Antartika terletak di Kutub Selatan di mana semua perairan membeku m Antartika memiliki kehidupan dan permukiman masyarakat. Kutub Utara terletak di belahan bumi bagian utara dan memiliki kehid Kutub Utara didominasi oleh beruang kutub. Activity 2 gubytuemapin figure 4.25 (on pages 156-157). Then answer the questions. 1 Fefer to the unique code for this map. Between which lines of latitude does phettenberg Bay lie? 2 between which two lines of longitude dses Plettenberg 8 ay lie? 3 Draw a dlagram to erplain what the letters after the four digit coderelet to. I Which map code would we need to access for the map ciuectiy south of the Fietienberg Boy map? 5 Give the co-ord nates or grid reference for The Point at the tip of the Robberg Perinsula in the south of the map. 6 Uie the symbols on pages 152-154 to explain what the following mear a the red star on the Robberg Peninsula light levse b the brown shading in the lagoon of the Keurbooms River Scand \& the tiny green circles spread zcross the map fow \& teers d the black dots on the map Activity 2 gruby ne map in Flgure 4.25 (on pages 156-157). Then ansmer the questions. , Refer to the unique code for thls map. Detween which lires of latitude does plettenberg Bay lie? 2 Between which twro lines of longitude djes Plettenberg Doy lie? 3 Drav a diagram to explain what the leters arter the fout digit code refer to. Wrich map code would we need to access for the map directly south of the pletienberg Bay map? 5 Give the co-ord nates or grid reference for The Point at the tip of the fiobberg perinsula in the south of the map. 6 Use the symbols on pages 152-154 to explain what the following mean: s the redstar on the Robberg Peninsula (ighth these b the brown shading in the lagoon of the Keurbooms River Sond c the tiny green circles spread across the map fow to teess d the black dots on the map 1 Decode or explain what the numbers and letters refer to in this map reference 302700. 2 a Draw a square 4 cm by 4 cm . In the north-west corner, write the figures 3027 in the appropriate square (see Flgure 4.2.1A for where the numbers \( g a \). Hint: Remember ' \( a \) ' before ' 0 '). b Divide this square into four blocks - each 2 cm by 2 cm . c Within each of these four blocks, draw another four blocks - each 1 cm by 1 cm . d Inside this 16 block area that you have constructed, correctly show the position of the place with the reference of 3027DD by shading the correct block. 3 Study Figure 4.2.2 and identify which place in South Africa this topographic map represents.
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