Geography Questions from Feb 05,2025

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3 Multiple Choice 2 points The Earth's Layers change the Earth's surface in TWO ways: 1. Creating geological hazards 2. Energy from the hydrothermal vents WHICH layers are most responsible for geological hazards and hydrothermal vents? ¿CUÁLES capas son las más responsables de los peligros geológicos y los respiraderos hidrotermales QUAIS camadas sâo mais responsàveis por perigos geológicos e fontes hidrotermais? QUELLES couches sont les plus responsables des alẻas gẻologiques et des cheminées hydrothermale Inner Core Both the Crust and the Mantle Outer Core Mantle Crust Clear my selection Previous What is the name of the physical feature of geography that separates Russia into 2 different continents? A the Atlantic Ocean B the Northern European Plain C the Ural Mountains An aquifer is water stored in the A. zone of saturation B. zone of porosity C. zone of impermeability D. zone of aeration An aquifer is water stored in the A. zone of saturation B. zone of porosity C. zone of impermeability D. zone of aeration Why does Earth have a liquid water supply and Mars does not? A. Mars is much larger than Earth. B. Earth was never bombarded with comets. C. Mars has no magnetic field. D. Mars is too cold. Which way does water move once it passes through the zone of saturation? A. Sideways B. Up C. It stops moving. D. Down Which ocean zone lies inside V-shaped ocean trenches? A. Abyssopelagic B. Bathypelagic c. Mesopelagic D. Hadalpelagic 5. \( \qquad \) Glaciers store about - (A) \( 25 \% \) (B) \( 50 \% \) (C) \( \mathbf{7 5 \%} \) of Earth's fresh water. 6. \( \qquad \) Glaciers occupy about (A) 10\% (B) 25\% (C) 30\% of the world's total land area. 7. \( \qquad \) Term that describes icebergs breaking off of glaciers (A) fracking (B) calving (C) glaciation 8. \( \qquad \) American National park that contains glaciated valley (A) Mammoth (B) Yosemite (C) Bryce 9. \( \qquad \) The capital city of this state is within a 15 -minute drive to a major glacier - (A) Juneau (B) Montpelier (C) Columbia. 10. \( \qquad \) Glaciers are mostly found in \( (A) \) forested \( (B) \) polar \( (C) \) arid \( (D) \) temperate regions National Parks Quiz - Matching - Place correct letter of choke by the number. A. Crater Lake J. Bushman Rock paintings haven B. Protect biodiversity K. Air pollution/climate change C. Denali D. Guadalupe L. Wildlife sanctuary in Africa E. Columbia M. Tschuti N. Alaska F. Smoky Mountains O. Sequavas/Redwoods G. Absriginese artifacts P. Geysers H. Colorado Q. Great Lakes 1. Mountain gorillas habitat R. Big Bend L 1. Kruger National Park H 2. Grand Canyon National Park cut by this river R 3. Texas highest peak located in this national park G 4. Royal National Park F 5. Located in North Carolina and Tennessee N 6. State that contains the highest point in North America B 7. One of many positive benefits of national parks - 8. Located in California national parks. C 9. Native Americans use this term, meaning "The High One", when referring to this national park and mountain 1 10. Virunga National Park P 11. Yellowstone National Park attraction \( \qquad \) 12. Masii Mara National Park \( \qquad \) 13. Biggest land mass national park in Texas \( \qquad \) 14. National park challenges \( \qquad \) 15. Located in Oregon A. Crater Lake J. Bushman Rock paintings haven B. Protect biodiversity K. Air pollution/climate change C. Denali L. Wildlife sanctuary in Africa D. Guadalupe M. Tschuti E. Columbia N. Alaska F. Smoky Mountains O. Sequoyas/Redwoods G. Aboriginese artifacts P. Geysers H. Colorado Q. Great Lakes I. Mountain gorillas habitat R. Big Bend \( \qquad \) 1. Kruger National Park \( \qquad \) 2. Grand Canyon National Park cut by this river \( \qquad \) 3. Texas highest peak located in this national park \( \qquad \) 4. Royal National Park \( \qquad \) 5. Located in North Carolina and Tennessee \( \qquad \) 6. State that contains the highest point in North America \( \qquad \) 7. One of many positive benefits of national parks \( \qquad \) 8. Located in California national parks. \( \qquad \) 9. Native Americans use this term, meaning "The High One", when referring to this national park and mountain \( \qquad \) 10. Virunga National Park \( \qquad \) 11. Yellowstone National Park attraction \( \qquad \) 12. Maasi Mara National Park
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