Geography Questions from Feb 08,2025

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Feb 08,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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9. Astudent made observations of tour rock sampes. of these observations most likely describes a sedimentary rock? (2007-30) a. Sample-1 has bands of light and dark crystals. b. Sample 2 has pink, gray, and white crystals grown together. c. Sample 3 is made up of one huge, pale pink crystal. d. Sample 4 is made up of layers of sand grains cemented together. 8. "Granite is a hard material and forms from cooling magma. Granite is a type of - \( (2009-25) \) a. lava stone \( \begin{array}{l}\text { b. igneous rock } \\ \text { c. volcanic dust } \\ \text { d. sedimentary rock. }\end{array} \quad \therefore \quad \therefore \) d. 6. Which of these Earth layers is the thinnest? (2003-24) a. The inner core' b. The outer core : c. The mante d. The crust 6. Which of these Earth Jayers is the thinnest? (2003-24) a. The inner core b. The outer core : c. The mantle d. The crust . . . 5. What layer of Earth is located just below the crust? \( (2007-26) \) \( \begin{array}{l}\text { a. Inner core } \\ \text { b. Mantle } \\ \text { c. Continental shelf } \\ \text { d. Outer core }\end{array} \quad . \quad \ddots \) c. The lightest layers are closest to the core. d. The more metallic layers are closest to the crust s. What layer of Earth is located just below the crust? (2007-26) \( \begin{array}{l}\text { a. Inner core } \\ \text { en rocks } \\ \text {.b. Mantle } \\ \text { c. Continental shelf } \\ \text { d. Outer core }\end{array} . \). 4. Which of these best describes the relaiionship between Earih's layers? (2007-iz) a. The fotiest layers are closest to the core. b. The more liquid layers are closest to the crust. c. The lightest layers are closest to the core. d. The more metallic layers are closest to the crust arth is composed of four layers. Many scientists believe that as Earth cooled, the denser materials sank to the center and the less dense materials rose to the top. The Ieast dense the - 2010-28) \( \because \) a. crust \( \quad \therefore \quad \therefore \) b. manile c. outer core : d. inner core Which layer of Earth is the thinnest? Or1 34) a. Inner core b. Crust c. Outer core ' Mantle b) Complete les coordonnces ou place les points sur le dessin - Montreal \( \left(63^{\circ} \mathrm{W} 47^{\circ} \mathrm{N}\right) \) - Rio de Janeiro (43"W \( 23^{\circ} \mathrm{S} \) ) - La Voulte \( \left(4^{\circ} \mathrm{E} 45^{\circ} \mathrm{N}\right) \) - A : Oslo ( . . . . . ........) - B : Miami (............) - C : S' Denis de La réunion (.506 8,27\( ) \)
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