Geography Questions from Feb 09,2025

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ACTIVITY 2.6 Summative Assessment Mapwork skills using a topographic map Refer to the topographic map extract 2528 CA Pretoria on pages 4 and 5 . 1. Locate the hill with trig beacon 108 in block B2. a. Give the height of this hill. b. i. Are the slopes on this hill gentle or steep? ii Give a reason for your answer. 2. Locate the Apiesrivier (Apies River) from the Bon Accord Dam in block C3 to the Wonderboom Bridge in block F3. Prove that: a. the river is flowing in a northerly direction b. the river's flood plain is flat c. the river's flood plain is fertile*. 3. Locate the hill feature that cuts through the Magaliesberg in block F3. a. Name this hill feature. b. With reference to the map, give an accurate description of this landform. c. How has this hill feature been used to link Pretoria and Pretoria North? ACTIVITY 2.5 Calculating gradient (Individual) Refer to the topographic map extract 2528CA Pretoria on pages 4 and 5 . 1. a. Calculate the gradient of the slope from spot height 1357 (block H2) to the bench mark 1267.8 (block H2). b. State whether this gradient is gentle, moderate or steep. (2) 2. a. Calculate the average gradient between trig beacon 120 (block D5) and spot height 1217 (block D3). b. Explain why the slope of the land here was important in the development of the Wonderboom Airport. (2) [12] Check your answers against those given to you by your teacher, and make corrections to your work if necessary. 3. INTERPRET MAPS How did Germany's geographic location affect its strategy for fighting the Great War
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