Geography Questions from Feb 10,2025

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Feb 10,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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Which feature of Greece's geography explains the ancient Greeks' need for trade? (1 point) the mountainous landscape the dry summer climate the location along the seacoast the location along the boundary between Asia and Europe 17. Which is the most polluted country in the world? Japan United States China India Number of CItles Which name is used for 52 different cities in the U.S.? \( \begin{array}{llll}\text { a. Oak Grove } & \text { b. Midway } & \text { c. Franklin } & \text { d. Fairview }\end{array} \) Activity 16 Identify features of CBDS Geography skilis: Use and draw maps; Identify and extract information from geographical sources. Work on your own. Refer to the Johannesburg map extract (sourcr 8 on page 34) and answer the following questions. 1 Explain why industrial land use zones are located in the outer-lying areas of the CBD. 2 Identify the transport networks on the map. Why is there such an extensive transport infrastructure in this area? 3 Why is it beneficial for the light industries to be located just outside of the city centre? State three benefits. 4 Explain any three advantages and disadvantages that people working in the CBD have. 5 Explain the advantage of situating businesses away from the CBD. Give three reasons to support your answer. 2. When plates (diverge, collide) at a plate boundary, a combination of folds, faults, and uplift creates mountains. 1. Weathering or (erosion, rifting) can remove all or part of a mountain. 3.5 Select the correct term/concept in brackets. Write only the 3.5.1 \( \begin{array}{l}\text { Global air circulation is the (large/small) scale circulation } \\ \text { of air across the globe. } \\ \text { 3.5.2 } \begin{array}{l}\text { The Inter-Tropical convergence zone is found along the } \\ \text { (Sub-tropical high/Equatorial low) pressure belt. }\end{array} \\ \text { Trade winds are winds that blow from the sub-tropical high } \\ \text { pressure systems north and south of the equator toward } \\ \text { the (equatorial low/polar high) pressure system. }\end{array} \) 3.5.4 \( \begin{array}{l}\text { The sub-tropical high-pressure zone is commonly referres } \\ \text { to as (doldrums/conundrums) }\end{array} \) 3.5.5 A polar high-pressure result from cool descending air tha forms a series of high pressures at the (poles/polar front) TERM 3 GA: 2 LEARNFA ACTIVITIES IROPICAL CRCLONBS Activity 29 13 Reter to FIGURE 13 whith capturus the path and ofloct of tropical cyclone Yess 131 On what date did cyclone Yasi strike the const of Australie? \( (1 \times 2) \) 1.32 Name TWO condilions that woutd have fevourad the developrnent \( (2 \times 2) \) What avidence from FIGURE 1.3 suggests that cydmes are \( (1 \times 2) \) 3.4 Explain what you understand by a calegory-ifive cyctone. (2×2) (4) 3.5 Refer to the statement local resitents reported an unusual hallhour in the eye of the storm'. (a) Why do they describe the weather conditions in the eye as ( \( 2 \times 2 \) ) (4) unusual? (b) Explain what causes the unusual conditions in the eye. \( (1 \times 2) \) (2) 6 What is the local name for fropical cyctones in Australia? \( (1 \times 2) \) (2) 7 Why do you think Australia would have an efficient emergency programue ready to handle natural hazards? \( (1 \times 2) \) (2) Orthophoto Map of Pretoria West Which physical feature forms part of the boundary between Alabama and Georgia? Savannah River Appalachian Mountains Fall Line Chattahoochee River
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