Geography Questions from Feb 14,2025

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Feb 14,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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Define catchment areas and drainage basins, and include a hypothesis stating how humans impact the health of freshwater resources. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline An introduction and background to freshwater resources in & 10 \\ South Africa, looking at drainage basins, catchment areas and \\ freshwater bodies in general. \end{tabular} What is a unique characteristic about the Western United States? The Western United States contains the most number of states. The Western United States covers the largest land area and includes Alaska and Hawaii. All of the states in the Western United States use physical boundaries as political boundaries. The population of the Western United States is over \( 50 \% \) of the total population of the country. How can the Southern United States be divided into smaller regions? Texas, Georgia, and Florida Northern, Southern, and Western Wulf Coast, East Coast, and Texas West South Central, East South Central, and South Atlantic Which of the following is an example of a natural boundary also serving as a political boundary? the Rocky Mountains dividing the Westem United States from the Midwestem United States the \( 37^{\prime \prime} \mathrm{N} \) latitude serving as the Southem Boundary of Colorado Highway 810 separating inner Houston from outer Houston the Rio Grande creating the boundary between Texas and Mexico Which of the following would most likely have the highest population density? O arural area where land is affordable a seasonal retiement community a suburban area with good schools What do geographers predict will happen to the population of the United States by the year 050 ? The total population will have decreased. The population will have doubled. The percentage of Caucasians in the United States will continue to increase. The percentage of Caucasians in the United States will be less than \( 50 \% \). What consequence is the American West facing because of its favorable climate and ample available land? high crime rates water shortages food shortages housing shortages In which region of the United States would you most likely find a desert? the Midwestern United States the Northeastern United States the Southern United States the Western United States What region produces the majority of the food grown in the United States? the Midwestern United States the Southern United States the Western United States the Northeastern United States
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