Geography Questions from Feb 21,2025

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Feb 21,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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How much of the North American continent does the USA and Canada occupy? \( 1 / 2 \) \( 7 / 8 \) \( 4 / 5 \) \( 2 / 3 \) How could you describe modern maps and ancient maps? Check all that apply. Modern maps can be found on the internet. Ancient maps are usually printed on paper. Modern maps often include attractions, such as restaurants and businesses. Modern maps sometimes have audio. Ancient maps took a long time to reproduce or make. Select the correct river/watershed that each of the statements match: A. Canadian River B. Pecos River C. Rio Grande River 1. Rio Concho River serves as a tributary where these rivers merge in Presidio. 2. State Forestry Service in Goolsby uses this watershed for their state seedling program. 3. El Paso and Albuquerque would be the two largest cities that this river runs through. 4. Carlsbad serves as the statewide river authority for agricultural water demands in their region of the state and communicates water release requests to the state capital in Santa Fe. 5. Lake Sumner and Santa Rosa Lake are formed from this river. 6. Lake Eufaula and its huge water storage capacity are on the far downstream end of this river. 7. Pecan orchards irrigation in the towns of Clint, Fabens, and Tornillo benefit from these waters. 8. Serves High Plains region of Texas panhandle with municipal and industrial water. 9. Over 20 miles of this river close to its headwaters are designated as a "National Wild and Scenic" river section. 10. Headwaters originate in the San Luis Valley just east of the Continental Divide and San Juan Range of the Colorado Rockies. 11. The Navajo "Long Walk" has a part of its history with this river as a temporary
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