Geography Questions from Jan 07,2025

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Jan 07,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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Which of the following is the best description of tectonic plate movement at a transform boundary? A. The collision of the plates results in the formation of mountains. B. Separation of the plates causes rising magma and seafloor spreading. C. The plates grind past each other, producing seismic waves. D. One plate slides beneath the other and begins to melt. 5. Identify risks/dangers that can lead to soil erosion 15. Identify risks/dangers that can lead to soil erosion What causes soil erosion? 2. Numera da 1 a 4 le fasi di formazione del suolo. a. \( \square \) Sviluppo della vegetazione b. \( \square \) Disgregazione della roccia c. \( \square \) Formazione degli strati di suolo maturo d. \( \square \) Formazione dell'humus 1. Which body of water is a major water source for Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda? A. Lake Victoria B. Lake Tanganyika C. Lake Chad D. Lake Malawi Geography Of Africa Test Directions: Gircle the letter for the correct answer. 1. Which body of water is a major water source for Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda? A. Lake Victoria B. Lake Tanganyika C. Lake Chad 2. What larg A. Kalahari B. Sahel C. Sahara D. Savanna a. The normal annual precipilation of live rain gauge stations \( \mathrm{P}, \mathrm{Q}, \mathrm{R}, \mathrm{S} \) and T are respectively \( 125,102,076,113 \) and 137 cm during a paricular storm the precipitation recorded by stations \( \mathrm{P}, \mathrm{Q}, \mathrm{R} \) and S are \( 13,2,92,6.8 \) and 10.2 cm respectively. The instrument at station T was inoperative during that storm. i. Discuss the methods that can be used to estimate the missing data. ( 10 marks) ii. Estimate the rainfall at station T during that storm. ( \( \mathbf{~ m a r k s ) ~} \) b. Briefly explain live ( 5 ) ways by which errors can be generated in rainfall measurement. ( \( \mathbf{1 0} \) marks) Geography The United States can be divided into 5 geographical regions: Northeast, Southwest, West, Southeast, and Midwest. A teacher plans 3 hours to discuss the 5 regions equally. For how many hours will the class discuss each region? Draw a visual mod to represent the situation and find the quotient.
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