Geography Questions from Jan 28,2025

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Jan 28,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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5. Instrument used to show direction 6. The a- Iine of longitude that divides the world into Eastern and Western hemispher 9. Vertical lines showing distance in degrees from Greenwich line towards east or we DOWN 1. A spherical model of Earth 2. Hemisphere above the equator 4. Honizontal lines showing distance in degrees from the equator to south and north 7. The exact point where latitude and longitude lines intersect each other Hemisphere below the equator D. How do mountains in California affect the weather? Gauteng is the richest in SA. The common noun for the N1 The famous mountain in Cape Town The island Mr Mandela was imprisoned on The Spirit of St Louis was one WEEK 3: CALCULATEDISTANCES BETWEEN SETTLEMENTS USING DIFFERENT SCALES (GLOBAL AND SOUTH AFRICA) 3.1.1 Explain the following concepts: a) scale: b) representative: 3.1.2 Expiain what does \( 1: 10000 \) stand for in a statement. 3.1.3 Explain the following with regards to the objects: a) 10 m : b) 100 m : c) Kilometer: 3.1.4 Complete the following statement: There are three ways of stating the scale of a map \( \qquad \) \( 4 \times 1 \) 14) \( \qquad \) and \( \qquad \) . All three, ways of stating the scale of a map refer to \( \qquad \) not areas. 3.1.5 Why do atiases show the whole worid on small scale? 3.16 If you want to use an atias to find a small town in a country, would you choose a small scale or a large scale? Motivate/support your answer. \( 1 \times 2 \) L2 \( 1+2 \quad \) (3) ) 2.3 Ratio Scale. Read the statement below and answer questions that follow. Ratio scale represents the scale as the same unit of measurement on both the map and the ground Adapted from Platinum Social sciences page 10. 23.1 With reference to the definition above explain the concept in your own words. \( 2 \times 1 \) You may include examples as you explain 2.3.2 What other name or term is given to a ratio scale? \( 1 \times 1 \) 23.3 Give one reason why the term in question 2.3.2 is used to refer to \( 2 \times 1 \) ratio scale. 3.4 Convert the following ratio scale to word scale \( 1 \times 2 \) a) 1:10000 b) 1:50000 \( 1 \times 2 \) 3.5 Write each of the (above) 2.3.4 a) and b) scales as a fraction \( 2 \times 2 \) a. List the names of the six countries that share b. Worders with South Africa. country name of the dapital city next to each c. Which four of these six countries are landlocke Name the three capital cities of South Africa. Which is South Africa's biggest city? Give the names Which four of these six countries are landlocked? Give the names of three countries in Africa that are on the equator. (The map on page 6 will help you:) Name an African country that is also an island. Mada Find Zanzibar on the map. To which country does this island belong? Tamz omio 9. Use the map to name a city in each of these countrie a. Egypt caino b. Niaeria Lagos. the equator. (The map on page 6 will help yout.) Name an African country that is also an island. Find Zanzibar on the map. To which country de island belong? Use the map to name a city in each of these a. Egypt b. Nigeria List the names of the six countries that borders with South Africa. Write the name of the capital city next t country on your list.
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