Algebra Questions from Feb 01,2025

Browse the Algebra Q&A Archive for Feb 01,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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Un juego extremo muy popular es el ascenso en paredes. Mientras sube por una torre de escalamiento, un escalador toma un descanso a una altura de 42 pies; si esto representa \( 60 \% \) de la altura total de la torre, determine la altura de la torre. Select the correct answer. Solve the following quadratic equation. \[ \begin{array}{l}(x+4)^{2}=25 \\ \text { A. } x=9 \text { and } x=-1 \\ \text { B. } x=-9 \text { and } x=-1 \\ \text { C. } x=-9 \text { and } x=1 \\ \text { D. } x=9 \text { and } x=1\end{array} \] Select the correct answer. Solve the equation. \( 3 x^{2}+24 x-24=0 \) A. \( x=-2 \pm 4 \sqrt{6} \) B. \( x=4 \pm 2 \sqrt{6} \) C. \( x=-4 \pm 2 \sqrt{6} \) D. \( x=2 \pm 4 \sqrt{6} \) Resolver para \( V \). \[ 2 v=\frac{6}{5} \] Simplificar la respuesta al máximo. \begin{tabular}{l} Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu. \\ Find the polynomial. \\ \( \qquad\{5\} \) is the solution set of \\ \( \begin{array}{l}x^{\wedge} 2-5 x+25=0 \\ x^{\wedge} 2+10 x+25=0 \\ x^{\wedge} 2-10 x+25=0 \\ x^{\wedge} 2+5 x+25=0\end{array} \) \\ \hline\end{tabular} Step 1 of 2 : Identify the first term of the algebraic expression. Indicate whether the term is a variable term or a constant term. For a variable term, identify the variable and the coefficient of the term. Answer Selecting the type of term will display any text boxes needed to complete your answer. Term Keyboard Shortcuts Term Term 1 Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. Using the Distributive Property to factorize the equation \( 3 x^{2}+24 x=0 \), you get \( \square \). The solution of the equation is \( \square \) Resolver la inecuación exponencial: \( \left(2^{\frac{1}{2}}\right)^{\mathrm{Bx}-1}>(4)^{x^{2}+\frac{33}{4}} \) a. \( x \in]-\infty ; 2 \) [ b. \( x \in]-2 ; 1[ \) c. \( x \in]-\infty ; 4[ \) d \( x \in \mid-4 ; 2! \) Consider the following algebraic expression: Step 1 of 2 : Identify the first term of the algebraic expression. Indicate whether the term is a variable term or a constant term. For a variable term, identify the variable and the coefficient of the term. 4. Identify the slope \( y=3 x \)
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