Social-sciences Questions from Dec 10,2024

Browse the Social-sciences Q&A Archive for Dec 10,2024, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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- Vad är skillnaden mellan direktdemokrati och representativ demokrati? Ge exempel på när varje system kan användas. Kommun och region: - Vad är en kommun och vad ansvarar den för? Ge exempel på några specifika uppgifter kommunen har. - Vad gör en region och vad ansvarar den för? Hur skiljer sig regionens uppgifter från kommunens? Riksdag och regering: - Vad är riksdagens huvuduppgifter? Vilka beslut fattas där? - Vad gör regeringen? 4. Imra noticed a jump in new followers on Facebook on May 11. What could be a reasonable cause of that? The "Flower of the Week" image on May 11 The Bouquet Creations image on May 11 The Fair Trade Day content blog post on May 11 The Tribute to Moms images on May 11 3. Imra has started a Flower of the Week post, to help educate her followers about the different types of flowers out in the world. However, these posts are seeing very low engagement. What could be a reasonable cause of the low engagement? She is posting too late in the day She is using the wrong platform She is not using any visuals Her audience does not like flowers 7. aristacracy, federalism Early Eskimolife skimos usually lived in groups that could range from a small family of 25 to an entire tribe of 300. EARCH: What is an important reason Eskimos usually lived together in groups? NSWER: 35. A major part of developmental psychology is devoted to the understanding of behavior of a) Children b) Adolescents c) Women d) Old people 36. Identify the FALSE statement from the below: a) Developmental psychologists investigate age-related changes, such as those occurring during child development and later life. b) Clinical psychologists investigate the causes and treatment of psychological disorders, such as homosexuality. c) Physiological psychologists investigate the association between physiology and behaviour/mind, such as the neural correlates of schizophrenia. d) Cognitive psychologists investigate fundamental mental processes, such as 37. lvan Pavlov: a) Discovered that hungry dogs would bark at the sight of the person who brought b) Athem their food. b) that it revealed a very basic form of learning. c) Went on to show that dogs could be trained, or conditioned, to salivate at the d) Provided psychology with a basic element, the response-response association The Divine Command Theory of Morality (DCT) is attractive to many people because it shows that without religion, people have no reason(s) to be moral. it avoids the problem of the foundations of ethics altogether. with its universal rules, moral conflicts can never occur. with its universal rules, it solves challenges of relativism and it overrides other motivations such as convenience or self-interest. Implicit Bias Assessment Discussion In this Implicit Bias Assessment discussion board, please answer the following prompt: Please share your reaction to the Implicit Bias Test (although you do not have to share your specific results). Were you surprised by the results of the test? Why or why not? How can you use this knowledge to challenge the bias and change the way you act and think about others? Please complete your response before the Live Learning Session this week and respond to two of your peers' posts. True or False: The Argument is about how much power the state governments should have. Mark only one oval. How many branches of government do we have? * Mark only one oval. 2 4
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