Social-sciences Questions from Jan 16,2025

Browse the Social-sciences Q&A Archive for Jan 16,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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Why do you think Woodson believed it was important to teach Black History all year and not just in one week? Select all that j1pply. Black History relates to what is taught all year. Black History is essential to a complete education. Black History could not be taught fully in just one week. What does the work of these people and institution teach us? Black History is only about famous people. Black History is created and shared in many different ways. Black History is only about what happened a long time ago. QUEstion 74 polnts What is the term for a person whose human rights are denied and who is forced to work for another person without compensation? sELEcT AN ANswER Fugitive citizen southerner slave COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY As a UNICEF's expert, you have to deliver a talk in a Kenyan grammar-school, on the advantages of sending girts to school. In your preparation. give the advantages of sending girls to school ; say why girls should be educated: suggest ways to reduce girls' iliteracy. Jack, an adolescent boy, quits school to head out west to find gold. He spends a year panning for gold until one day he finds a large nugget and heads into town to cash it in. A corrupt gold exchange officer weighs the piece and offers the boy 1,500 dollars for his find. Jack takes it happily but later realizes that the officer cheated him of 500 dollars because Jack didn't understand the math needed to figure the worth of the gold. What would a culture that tells this story most likely value? A. The importance of receiving an education B. The importance of seeking real adventure C. The value of pursuing wealth D. The value of outwitting people 3. In class we watched a video on the "Availability Heuristic" bias. According to this concept, which of the following causes more deaths than terrorism? A. A TV falling on people. B. Coconut trees falling on people C. The police while fighting crime. D. None of the above. E. All of the above except D. In class we watched a video on the "Availability Heuristic" bias. According to this concept, which of the following causes more deaths than terrorism? 2. An "Anchoring bias" is when you make a decision based on an initial impression, or information as a frame of reference. \( \begin{array}{l}\text { A. True B. False. }\end{array} \) Quiz \# 1. Cognitive Biases 1. In your own words, explain the concept of "Fear of missing out." \begin{tabular}{|c|l|}\hline 9. Illegal, unethical or questionable practices are an \\ example of a moral maze. \\ \hline O A. True \\ \hline O & B. False \\ \hline\end{tabular}
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