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Tropical cyclones that have hit South Africal Tropicat cyclonen that have til soten Africa areording to the South Atrican weather Services the etdect of tropical bridge washed away ty the gedone Some etlects of the cycicres Domoina and intos. 5omt eflects of the cyocnes Domolna and imbos on mangront comrrunties in the st Luda Estuary T.D steinke. -C.W Ward Estuarinc and Marine Group. Department of Ectany, Untiersty of Durtun-Weatille. Frivate Bag isso01. Durban acoo Repubic of Durtan acco Republic of south 6.3.1 Predict the direction of movement of the mid-atatude cyclone located \( (1 \times 1) \) (1) South-west of Hermanus. 6.3.2 In which general direction will fishermen launch their boats from the \( (1 \times 1) \) (1) New Harbour? 6.3.3 Explain how the approaching mid-latitude cyclone will impact the launching of the fishing boats at Hermanus harbour? \( (2 \times 2) \quad(4) \)

Ask by Ayala Mcfarlane. in South Africa
Jan 30,2025

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The mid-latitude cyclone will move eastward. Fishermen will likely launch their boats in a northward or northeast direction. The approaching cyclone will create strong winds and rough seas, making it dangerous to launch boats, so fishermen will probably delay their activities and face risks to their vessels.


To address the questions regarding the impact of mid-latitude cyclones on fishing activities in Hermanus, we will analyze each part step by step. ### 6.3.1 Predict the direction of movement of the mid-latitude cyclone located South-west of Hermanus. **Known Conditions:** - The cyclone is located to the south-west of Hermanus. **Analysis:** Mid-latitude cyclones typically move from west to east due to the prevailing westerly winds in the mid-latitudes. Therefore, if the cyclone is located to the south-west of Hermanus, it is likely to move in an eastward direction. **Answer:** The mid-latitude cyclone will move in an eastward direction. ### 6.3.2 In which general direction will fishermen launch their boats from the New Harbour? **Known Conditions:** - The New Harbour is located in Hermanus. **Analysis:** Given that the cyclone is moving eastward and is located to the south-west, fishermen would generally want to avoid launching their boats directly into the path of the cyclone. Therefore, they would likely launch their boats in a direction that is away from the cyclone's approach. **Answer:** Fishermen will likely launch their boats in a northward or northeastward direction. ### 6.3.3 Explain how the approaching mid-latitude cyclone will impact the launching of the fishing boats at Hermanus harbour. **Known Conditions:** - The cyclone is approaching from the south-west. - Cyclones can bring strong winds, heavy rain, and rough seas. **Analysis:** 1. **Increased Wind and Waves:** The approaching cyclone will generate strong winds, which can create rough sea conditions. This makes it dangerous for fishermen to launch their boats. 2. **Safety Concerns:** Fishermen will prioritize safety and may choose to delay launching their boats until the conditions improve. 3. **Potential for Damage:** The strong winds and waves can also pose a risk to boats that are already in the water, leading to potential damage or capsizing. **Answer:** The approaching mid-latitude cyclone will likely lead to increased wind and rough sea conditions, making it dangerous for fishermen to launch their boats. Safety concerns will cause fishermen to delay their activities, and there is a risk of damage to boats already in the water.

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The Deep Dive

Tropical cyclones are rare in South Africa, but they can pack a punch when they do hit. One of the most notable in recent history was Cyclone Domoina in 1984, which resulted in extensive flooding and damage, especially in the eastern regions of the country. The impacts on mangrove communities, particularly around the St. Lucia Estuary, were serious. The cyclonic disturbances led to increased salinity and loss of habitat, affecting both wildlife and local fisheries. When facing a developing mid-latitude cyclone, boats launching from the New Harbour in Hermanus should ideally head towards the east or south-east to avoid the rough seas generated by the changing weather. Fishermen must be vigilant about changing weather patterns, as the cyclone can produce strong winds and heavy rainfall, making it difficult and unsafe to venture out to sea. Keeping an eye on weather forecasts and understanding the cyclone's movement is crucial for their safety and success.

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