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10. According to to the text, why do people live mostly in the northern and southern parts of Africa?

Ask by Barber Simmons. in the United States
Nov 12,2024

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People live in the northern and southern parts of Africa because the Sahara Desert makes the central region unsuitable for living.


According to the text, people live mostly in the northern and southern parts of Africa due to the presence of the Sahara Desert in the central part of the continent. The Sahara is a vast desert that covers much of North Africa, making the central region inhospitable for large-scale human settlement. As a result, people have historically concentrated in the more fertile regions of the north and south, where water and resources are more abundant.

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People tend to live in the northern and southern parts of Africa primarily due to the favorable climate and geography found in these regions. The northern area, encompassing countries like Egypt and Morocco, boasts a more Mediterranean climate with milder temperatures and reliable rainfall, making agriculture viable. Similarly, the southern regions, such as South Africa, have temperate climates ideal for farming and provide better access to resources like freshwater and arable land. Additionally, the central parts of Africa, characterized by dense forests and harsher climates, present challenges such as limited agricultural opportunities and disease prevalence, which deter population settlement. As a result, the northern and southern edges of the continent have developed bustling cities and settlements, thriving with cultural and economic activities.

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