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1. When two objects rub against each other it creates this. Friction 2. An object tends to keep moving because it has this quality. I 3. Newton's First Law of Motion is also called the law of Inercia. 4. The more of this an object has, the more force it takes to move it. 5. The speed and direction of a moving object. velocity 6. Everything gets pulled down toward the earth's center because of this force. gravity 7. This is the result of unbalanced forces making an object speed up. 8. What you get when you multiply an object's mass times the acceleration. 9. The scientist who came up with the three laws of motion. 10. A skier at the top of a hill has more po tenical energy than a skier at the bottom. 11. Another word for potential energy. stored 12. A skier traveling downhill has this type of energy. K inetic 13. When two forces acting on an object are equal, they are eq eqillibrigh 14. When two forces are equel there is a change in position or motion. 15. When two balanced forces cancel each other out, they are in 16. When the velocity of a moving object stays the same, it has a _

Ask by Guzman Blake. in the United States
Feb 27,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


1. Friction 2. Inertia 3. Inertia 4. Mass 5. Velocity 6. Gravity 7. Acceleration 8. Force 9. Isaac Newton 10. Potential 11. Stored energy 12. Kinetic energy 13. Balanced 14. False 15. Equilibrium 16. Constant velocity


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Friction is a force that opposes the motion of objects sliding against each other. Think of it as nature's way of throwing a little resistance into the mix to keep things interesting. For instance, if you've ever tried to push a heavy box across a carpet, that stubbornness you encounter is all thanks to friction putting up a little fight! In the real world, Newton's First Law can be seen in action when you're riding a skateboard. If you roll down a hill and suddenly hit a bump, your body tends to keep moving forward due to inertia, even though the board stops! This is why it's crucial to wear a helmet—your body’s natural tendencies could lead to a rather abrupt stop if you're not careful!

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