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Natalie and her team identified a process problem in their unit: the operating rooms (OR) are taking too long to be cleaned and disinfected, which is causing a back up in the schedule for both patients and surgeons. She puts together a team of people to work on this process. First, they map the process problem. Then, they work to collect data on all of the dimensions of the OR sanitation process and select a goal. Once they have completed this work, they create a plan for implementation and implement their improvements. Over the next 30 days, Natalie and her team study whether their improvements are working. They continue collecting data and then they have a meeting to determine whether the process improvemetn was successful. Natalie has successfully utilized which quality improvement model? LEAN SIX SIGMA HIGH RELIABILTY FOCUS-PDCA

Ask by Allan Barber. in the United States
Feb 28,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


Natalie used the FOCUS-PDCA model to improve the OR cleaning process.


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Answered by UpStudy AI and reviewed by a Professional Tutor

The Deep Dive

Natalie's approach seems to align closely with the FOCUS-PDCA model. This methodology emphasizes defining the problem, organizing a team, clarifying the issue, understanding and analyzing the process, and then deploying a plan followed by a thorough check and act stage to ensure sustained improvement. In her case, she methodically mapped the process and analyzed the data over a set period, which mirrors the cyclic nature of PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act). On the other hand, LEAN is centered around eliminating waste and improving overall process efficiency, while SIX SIGMA focuses on reducing variability and improving quality through statistical analysis. Natalie's structured plan and continuous monitoring reflect a more holistic approach typical of FOCUS-PDCA. So while they all share improvement goals, the way she implemented her strategy clearly resonates with the PDCA method!

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