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Use the text to put the events in order. When magma cools inside Earth's crust, it forms igneous rock. Uplift and erosion may leave these rocks exposed on Earth's surface. Water, wind, and heat then slowly break down the rocks, turning them into sediments. Over long periods of time, sediments pile up and stick together, forming sedimentary rock. \( \begin{array}{l}\text { Igneous rock } \\ \text { forms. }\end{array} \)

Ask by Gordon Ramirez. in the United States
Dec 10,2024

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


1. Igneous rock forms. 2. Uplift and erosion expose the rocks. 3. Water, wind, and heat break down the rocks. 4. Sediments pile up and form sedimentary rock.


Here is the order of events based on the provided text: 1. **Igneous rock forms.** (When magma cools inside Earth's crust) 2. **Uplift and erosion expose these rocks on Earth's surface.** 3. **Water, wind, and heat break down the rocks into sediments.** 4. **Sediments pile up and stick together, forming sedimentary rock.**

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When magma cools inside Earth's crust, it forms igneous rock. Uplift and erosion may leave these rocks exposed on Earth's surface. Water, wind, and heat then slowly break down the rocks, turning them into sediments. Over long periods of time, sediments pile up and stick together, forming sedimentary rock. So, the correct order of events is: 1. Magma cools inside Earth's crust, forming igneous rock. 2. Uplift and erosion expose igneous rock on the surface. 3. Water, wind, and heat break down the exposed rocks into sediments. 4. Sediments pile up and stick together, forming sedimentary rock.

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