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The layer of the atmosphere that is closest to the Earth is known as the "weathersphere" because the weather is located in this layer. Which layer of the atmosphere is known as the weathersphere? Troposphere Lithosphere

Ask by Watkins Campbell. in the United States
Dec 23,2024

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The "weathersphere" is the Troposphere.


The layer of the atmosphere that is closest to the Earth and is known as the "weathersphere" is the **Troposphere**. This is where most of the Earth's weather occurs, including clouds, rain, and storms. The Lithosphere, on the other hand, refers to the rigid outer part of the Earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle, and is not an atmospheric layer.

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The layer of the atmosphere closest to Earth, known as the troposphere, is where all the exciting weather events happen. This layer extends from the surface up to about 8 to 15 kilometers high, depending on the geographical location and season. So, whether it's those fluffy clouds or a dramatic thunderstorm, you can bet they’re taking place in the troposphere! Fun fact: The troposphere is also where we see planes flying at cruising altitudes! However, it's essential for pilots to navigate carefully as this layer can be quite turbulent, especially during stormy weather. With changing temperatures and rising air currents, flying conditions can shift dramatically, making the pilots' skills truly crucial for safe travel.

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