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Looking at the map, which European country has the smallest stake in colonial territory in Africa? a. United Kingdom b. France c. Spain d. Germany

Ask by Herrera Summers. in the United States
Dec 12,2024

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Spain had the smallest colonial territory in Africa.


Among the options provided, **Spain** had the smallest stake in colonial territory in Africa compared to the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. While Spain did have some territories, such as Equatorial Guinea and parts of Morocco, its overall colonial presence in Africa was significantly less extensive than that of the other countries listed.

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When it comes to colonial stakes in Africa, Germany had the smallest footprint compared to the other countries listed. While the United Kingdom and France were heavily involved in the "Scramble for Africa," acquiring vast territories, Spain's colonial interests were also more significant. Germany's empire, acquired in the late 19th century, included only a few regions, such as modern-day Namibia and Tanzania, making its colonial presence much less impactful. Interestingly, Germany's colonial rule was relatively short-lived. After World War I, the Treaty of Versailles stripped Germany of its colonies, leading to a swift end to its African ambitions. This marked a significant shift in colonial power dynamics and opened the door for other nations to expand their territories further in Africa.

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