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1. Changes to the Earth's surface can happen very rapidly or very slowly over long periods of time. Identify a landform that is the result of a slow change to the Earth's surface and explain how it was formed.

Ask by Donnelly French. in the United States
Feb 06,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


A **mountain range**, such as the **Himalayas**, is formed by the slow collision of tectonic plates. Over millions of years, the Indian Plate pushing against the Eurasian Plate causes the Earth's crust to compress and fold, leading to the uplift of towering mountains. This gradual process continues today, creating the majestic Himalayan range.


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The Deep Dive

One classic example of a landform created through slow changes is a meandering river. Over time, as water flows through a landscape, it erodes the banks, causing curves and bends known as meanders. The outer bank experiences more erosion while the inner bank gets depositions, shaping the landscape gradually. This process can take thousands of years, resulting in beautifully winding rivers that create diverse ecosystems along their banks. Another fascinating example is the formation of salt flats, such as Bolivia's Salar de Uyuni. These immense salt plains were once ancient lakes that gradually dried up. As the water evaporated, it left behind layers of salt and other minerals that accumulated over millennia. Today, these stunning salt flats are considered one of the flattest places on Earth and are a popular destination for tourists seeking to experience their otherworldly beauty!

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