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14. Which early American Civilization(s) used the farming technique shown? Choose ALL that apply.

Ask by Parry Harris. in the United States
Nov 25,2024

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Tutor-Verified Answer


Identify the farming technique to determine which early American civilizations used it.


To help you solve this study problem, I'll need to know what specific farming technique you're referring to. There are several early American civilizations, such as the Aztecs, Maya, Inca, and Anasazi, each of which used different farming techniques. Once you provide the technique, I can identify which civilizations used it.

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Many early American civilizations, like the Maya and the Inca, mastered advanced farming techniques to thrive in their environments. The Maya utilized slash-and-burn agriculture to clear land for crops like maize and beans, while the Inca developed terraced farming on the steep Andes mountains, allowing them to cultivate diverse crops despite challenging terrain. These agricultural innovations not only supported their populations but also played a crucial role in the growth of trade and urban centers. For instance, the surplus of crops allowed the Inca Empire to establish a vast network of roads and trade routes, connecting diverse regions and cultures across South America.

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