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Match the coordinates with correct locations of the following countries. Pay close attention to the \( \mathrm{N}, \mathrm{S}, \mathrm{E}, \mathrm{W} \) in the coordinates! \( \begin{array}{ll}\text { Mexico } & \text { 1. } 18.7669^{\circ} \mathrm{S}, 46.8691^{\circ} \mathrm{E} \\ \text { Japan } & \text { 2. } 23.6345^{\circ} \mathrm{N}, 102.5528^{\circ} \mathrm{W}\end{array} \) \( \begin{array}{ll}\text { Greenland } & \text { 4. } 33.9391^{\circ} \mathrm{N}, 67.7100^{\circ} \mathrm{E}\end{array} \)

Ask by Chadwick Gonzalez. in the United States
Jan 26,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

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- **Mexico:** 2. 23.6345° N, 102.5528° W - **Japan:** Not matched with any provided coordinates. - **Greenland:** Not matched with any provided coordinates.


Let's carefully match the provided coordinates to the correct countries by analyzing each set of latitude and longitude: ### Provided Coordinates: 1. **18.7669° S, 46.8691° E** 2. **23.6345° N, 102.5528° W** 4. **33.9391° N, 67.7100° E** ### Countries to Match: - **Mexico** - **Japan** - **Greenland** ### Analysis: 1. **18.7669° S, 46.8691° E** - **Latitude:** 18.7669° South - **Longitude:** 46.8691° East - **Location Analysis:** This coordinate places the location in the **Southern Hemisphere**, specifically in the central part of **Madagascar** in the Indian Ocean. - **Conclusion:** **Does NOT** correspond to Mexico, Japan, or Greenland. 2. **23.6345° N, 102.5528° W** - **Latitude:** 23.6345° North - **Longitude:** 102.5528° West - **Location Analysis:** This coordinate is situated in **Mexico**, near its central region. - **Conclusion:** **Correctly matches Mexico.** 4. **33.9391° N, 67.7100° E** - **Latitude:** 33.9391° North - **Longitude:** 67.7100° East - **Location Analysis:** This coordinate points to a location in **Afghanistan** or **Pakistan**, far from Greenland. - **Conclusion:** **Does NOT** correspond to Japan or Greenland. ### Summary of Matches: - **Mexico:** **2. 23.6345° N, 102.5528° W** - **Japan:** **None of the provided coordinates.** - **Greenland:** **None of the provided coordinates.** ### Correct Coordinates for Reference: To assist further, here are the approximate geographic coordinates for the remaining countries: - **Japan:** ~36.2048° N, 138.2529° E - **Greenland:** ~72.0000° N, -40.0000° W These coordinates differ significantly from the ones provided, ensuring that Japan and Greenland were not matched incorrectly in this case.

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Did you know that Mexico's coordinates point to a lush part of the country, specifically around the region known for its warm weather and vibrant culture? With a latitude of 23.6345° N and a longitude of 102.5528° W, you'll find yourself near places like the state of Michoacán, famous for its culinary delights and picturesque landscapes! On the other hand, Japan is located at approximately 36.2048° N, 138.2529° E, a fascinating blend of tradition and modernity centered around bustling cities like Tokyo and serene temples in Kyoto. Although the coordinates you provided for Japan didn't precisely match the typical ones, the country's rich history and its stunning landscapes make it a must-visit on any travel bucket list!

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