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Explore ACTIVITY: PERFECT MATCH! pirections: Match the word in Column A with its description in Column B. Columan A 1. Circumpacific Belt Column B 2. Crust A. shaking and trembling of the ground 3. Earthquake 4. Epicenter 5. Intensity 6. Magnitude 7. Tectonic earthquake B. first layer of the earth C. happens with a strong volcanic eruption D. caused by the movement of the earth's crust E. amount of energy released by an earthquake from its focus F. refers to the effects of the earthquake G. location where crustal plates are weak 8. Volcanic earthquake H. used to detect earthquake 9. Seismograph I. area above where the earthqua originates 10.Focus J. break in the ground caused by pressure of the moving rocks K. liquid layer of the earth

Ask by Marsh Dickson. in the Philippines
Feb 17,2025

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Circumpacific Belt: G Crust: B Earthquake: A Epicenter: I Intensity: F Magnitude: E Tectonic earthquake: D Volcanic earthquake: C Seismograph: H Focus: J


Let's match the words in Column A with their corresponding descriptions in Column B step by step. ### Column A and Column B 1. **Circumpacific Belt** - **Match:** G. location where crustal plates are weak - **Explanation:** The Circumpacific Belt, also known as the "Ring of Fire," is an area where many tectonic plates meet, leading to volcanic and seismic activity. 2. **Crust** - **Match:** B. first layer of the earth - **Explanation:** The crust is the outermost layer of the Earth, where we live. 3. **Earthquake** - **Match:** A. shaking and trembling of the ground - **Explanation:** An earthquake is characterized by the shaking of the ground due to seismic waves. 4. **Epicenter** - **Match:** I. area above where the earthquake originates - **Explanation:** The epicenter is the point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake. 5. **Intensity** - **Match:** F. refers to the effects of the earthquake - **Explanation:** Intensity measures the effects of an earthquake at different locations. 6. **Magnitude** - **Match:** E. amount of energy released by an earthquake from its focus - **Explanation:** Magnitude quantifies the energy released at the source of the earthquake. 7. **Tectonic earthquake** - **Match:** D. caused by the movement of the earth's crust - **Explanation:** Tectonic earthquakes occur due to the movement of tectonic plates. 8. **Volcanic earthquake** - **Match:** C. happens with a strong volcanic eruption - **Explanation:** Volcanic earthquakes are associated with volcanic activity and eruptions. 9. **Seismograph** - **Match:** H. used to detect earthquakes - **Explanation:** A seismograph is an instrument that measures and records the motion of the ground during an earthquake. 10. **Focus** - **Match:** J. break in the ground caused by pressure of the moving rocks - **Explanation:** The focus (or hypocenter) is the point within the Earth where an earthquake originates, often associated with a fault line. ### Summary of Matches 1. Circumpacific Belt - G 2. Crust - B 3. Earthquake - A 4. Epicenter - I 5. Intensity - F 6. Magnitude - E 7. Tectonic earthquake - D 8. Volcanic earthquake - C 9. Seismograph - H 10. Focus - J This completes the matching activity!

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The Circumpacific Belt, often referred to as the "Ring of Fire," is a region encircling the Pacific Ocean where a large majority of the world's earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. This geologically active zone is formed by tectonic plate boundaries, creating a space where the earth's crust is continuously being shaped by shifting plates. It’s fascinating to know that nearly 90% of the world's earthquakes happen here! Did you know that a seismograph is like a spy for the earth? This fascinating device detects and records the shaking caused by earthquakes, helping scientists analyze the strength and duration of seismic waves. Using this information, they can decipher crucial details about an earthquake's magnitude and intensity, allowing for improved alerts and safety measures. It's a must-have tool in the toolkit of earthquake scientists!

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