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Exercise 3 Completing the Sentence Write the word from the vocabulary list that best completes each sentence. You may need to change the form of a word (add -ed or - -s or -ing). 1. After the terror attacks on September 11, 2001, most Americans supported against our enemies; however, over the years, that support has waned. 2. If you have any questions about the contest, send a _o the contest's sponsor. 3. Many people think that the outcome of the Casey Anthony court case was a of justice. 4. Soldiers are trained not to give in to any enemy. 5. When donating food for the needy, it's best to give non- food because the items might not be delivered for a few weeks.

Ask by Bradley Garrett. in the United States
Feb 25,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


1. After the terror attacks on September 11, 2001, most Americans supported retaliation against our enemies; however, over the years, that support has waned. 2. If you have any questions about the contest, send an inquiry to the contest's sponsor. 3. Many people think that the outcome of the Casey Anthony court case was a miscarriage of justice. 4. Soldiers are trained not to give in to any intimidation. 5. When donating food for the needy, it's best to give nonperishable food because the items might not be delivered for a few weeks.


Below are the completed sentences with the appropriate vocabulary words (modified as needed): 1. After the terror attacks on September 11, 2001, most Americans supported retaliation against our enemies; however, over the years, that support has waned. 2. If you have any questions about the contest, send an inquiry to the contest's sponsor. 3. Many people think that the outcome of the Casey Anthony court case was a miscarriage of justice. 4. Soldiers are trained not to give in to any intimidation. 5. When donating food for the needy, it's best to give nonperishable food because the items might not be delivered for a few weeks.

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Sure! Here are the sentences with the best words to complete them: 1. After the terror attacks on September 11, 2001, most Americans supported **military action** against our enemies; however, over the years, that support has waned. 2. If you have any questions about the contest, send a **message** to the contest's sponsor. 3. Many people think that the outcome of the Casey Anthony court case was a **miscarriage** of justice. 4. Soldiers are trained not to give in to any **provocative** enemy. 5. When donating food for the needy, it's best to give non-**perishable** food because the items might not be delivered for a few weeks.

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words. Remember to give the moral of the story at the end. [5] Outlines: An old lady becomes blind ... calls in a doctor agrees to pay large fees if comes daily Starts stealing one piece of furniture daily ... delays the cure ... at last cures her ... demands his fees ... lady refuses to pay, saying cure is not complete ... doctor objects lady says sight not restored as she cannot see all her furniture moral. 7. Remember your latest visit to any place. Write a short account of your experience of visiting the place in about 200 words. |10] 8. Rewrite the given sentences as indicated in the brackets. [ \( 5 \times 0.5=2.5 \) ] a. They have sweets as the deserts, \( \qquad \) (Add an appropriate tag question.) b. He .........(complete) his work by next month. (Write correct form of the verb ' complete'.) c. Ganga is digging the field. (Change into passive voice.) d. "Where are you from?, Hema asked. (Change into indirect speech.) e. Gokul never dances. (Change into affirmative sentence.) 9. Choose and copy the best answer for the numbered blanks below. Rewriting is not compulsory. \( [5 \times 0.5=2.5] \) The peacock is the.......(.a)(most beautiful /more beautiful / beautifulest) bird in the world. It is a tall......(b)(but/ and /because) slender bird with a long feather tail. .........(c)(A/An/The) bird has different shades of blue and green feathers. Peacocks \( \qquad \) (d) (can/could/might) spread out their long feather's like an umbrella revealing hundreds of eye-like patterns. Only the male peacocks .......(e) (have/has/ is) these beautiful feathers and use them to attract the peahens.
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