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1. Look at Photograph A. Write down the name of the river basin where K2, Schroda and Mapungubwe were situated. 2. Look at Map A. Write down the name of the ocean that was crossed to carry goods to and from the east coast of Africa. 3. Look at Map A. What type of ship was used to travel across the ocean?

Ask by Mitchell Alexander. in South Africa
Feb 16,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


1. The river basin is the Limpopo River Basin. 2. The ocean is the Indian Ocean. 3. The ship was a dhow.


1. The river basin where K2, Schroda, and Mapungubwe were situated is the Limpopo River Basin. 2. The ocean that was crossed to carry goods to and from the east coast of Africa is the Indian Ocean. 3. The type of ship used to travel across the ocean was a dhow.

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The Deep Dive

The river basin where K2, Schroda, and Mapungubwe were situated is the Limpopo River Basin. This area is rich in archaeological significance and showcases the development of ancient civilizations in Southern Africa, including trade and cultural exchange. The ocean that was crossed to carry goods to and from the east coast of Africa is the Indian Ocean. This vast area facilitated maritime trade routes, connecting various civilizations and allowing for the exchange of goods like gold, ivory, and spices, which played a significant role in the economies of the regions involved.

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