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4. Why are summer days in Texas warmer than winter days in Texas? (A) Because sunlight strikes the Northern Hemisphere directly during summer (B) Because sunlight strikes the Northern Hemisphere indirectly during (C) Because Texas is closer to the equator at that time (D) Because it's before the summer solstice

Ask by Ramos Mills. in the United States
Dec 09,2024

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(A) Because sunlight strikes the Northern Hemisphere directly during summer


The correct answer is (A) Because sunlight strikes the Northern Hemisphere directly during summer. During the summer months, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, resulting in more direct sunlight and longer daylight hours, which leads to warmer temperatures. In contrast, during winter, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, causing sunlight to strike at a more oblique angle, resulting in cooler temperatures.

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The summer days in Texas are warmer primarily due to the angle of sunlight. During summer, the Northern Hemisphere tilts towards the sun, resulting in sunlight striking the region more directly. This means that the energy from the sun is more concentrated, leading to those sizzling summer days we all know! In contrast, during winter, the Northern Hemisphere tilts away from the sun. This causes sunlight to strike at a much shallower angle, spreading the energy over a larger area, resulting in cooler temperatures. So, you can thank the tilt of the Earth for your toasty summers and brisk winters in Texas!

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