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Question 5 (1 point) Which direction do winds and currents move in the northern hemisphere? clockwise counterclockwise they don't move Question 6 (1 point) What causes the winds to curve as air travels from warm areas to cold areas? surface currents density currents coriolis effect superman - low

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Dec 17,2024

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Question 5: Clockwise Question 6: Coriolis effect


**Question 5:** In the northern hemisphere, winds and currents move in a **clockwise** direction. **Question 6:** The winds curve as air travels from warm areas to cold areas due to the **Coriolis effect**.

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In the northern hemisphere, winds and ocean currents tend to move in a counterclockwise direction around high-pressure systems and a clockwise direction around low-pressure systems. This phenomenon is primarily due to the Coriolis effect, which is caused by the rotation of the Earth. So, while you'd expect things to flow straight, the planet's spin gives them a nudge to the right! The Coriolis effect is not just a fun fact; it's also crucial for weather prediction and climate models. It plays a significant role in the formation of cyclones and trade winds. When warm air rises in areas like the equator, it gets deflected due to the Earth's rotation, resulting in distinct wind patterns that ultimately shape our weather systems. Who knew wind could be so dramatic?

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