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Put the eras in order from the oldest to the most recent. \( \uparrow \downarrow \) Paleozoic era \( \uparrow \downarrow \) Cenozoic era \( \uparrow \downarrow \) Precambrian era \( \uparrow \downarrow \) Mesozoic era

Ask by Goodwin Burton. in the United States
Nov 19,2024

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The order of the eras from oldest to most recent is: Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic.


The correct order of the eras from the oldest to the most recent is: 1. Precambrian era 2. Paleozoic era 3. Mesozoic era 4. Cenozoic era

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The correct order from the oldest to the most recent is: Precambrian era, Paleozoic era, Mesozoic era, and then Cenozoic era. The Precambrian is where life started to develop, giving way to the Paleozoic, which saw the rise of diverse marine life and the first land plants. The Mesozoic era is often called the "Age of Reptiles," bringing iconic dinosaurs to the forefront, while the Cenozoic era features the rise of mammals and the environment as we know it today! Did you know that the Paleozoic era lasted from about 541 to 252 million years ago? It was a time of incredible biodiversity, with the Cambrian Explosion marking a significant increase in life forms! During this era, species like trilobites thrived, and the first amphibians made their way onto land. Each subsequent era built upon the changes and adaptations seen during the Paleozoic, shaping life on Earth as we know it!

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