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1.3 Which party came into power in 1948? A South African Party B United Democratic Party C Inkatha Freedom Party D \( \quad \) National Party What is apartheid? A It is a policy of the National Party that separated people according to B It is hatred for other people. C It is a set of beliefs, values and ideas. D It is the policy of the ANC that promoted the treatment of people Which apartheid law controlled people's access to places and amenities? A The Urban Areas Act of 1923 B \( \quad \) Separate Amenities Act of 1953 C \( \quad \) Groups Areas Act of 1950 D Population Registration Act of 1950

Ask by Hill Morrison. in South Africa
Nov 21,2024

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1. The National Party came into power in 1948. 2. Apartheid is a policy that separated people according to the National Party. 3. The Separate Amenities Act of 1953 controlled access to places and amenities.


1. The party that came into power in 1948 is: **D National Party** 2. Apartheid is: **A It is a policy of the National Party that separated people according to** 3. The apartheid law that controlled people's access to places and amenities is: **B Separate Amenities Act of 1953**

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The Deep Dive

In 1948, the National Party came into power in South Africa after winning the general elections, marking a significant shift in the country's political landscape. This party implemented apartheid, a systematic policy aimed at racial segregation that continued to shape South Africa for decades. The rise of the National Party and their ideologies starkly contrasted with the multi-racial vision held by groups like the African National Congress (ANC), setting the stage for a deeply divided society. Apartheid was a legal framework that enforced racial discrimination and segregation, deeply embedded in South African society. The Separate Amenities Act of 1953 was one of the laws that solidified this division, ensuring that public amenities were reserved for different racial groups, clearly illustrating the discriminatory nature of the apartheid regime. These laws not only restricted access but also fostered an environment of inequality and injustice that sparked resistance and ultimately led to monumental struggles for civil rights.

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