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WIWER TME FOLIO WING GUESTIONS. topesraphic mop? 2. Watect pe nectiersetfing ofinkir h xwaggofontein 3rwhal type of selthernent do vou thint Kwaggalontcimis? 3. Serekern die amtrok von Gre Branidkop Dam in meler?/ Culculote tho porimeler of the Brondkugs Dart mon melers? 4. Womer 2 roeles word op die koort cuangedui in rooi en blinuzfwhich 2 roules are indicaled on the mop in red and blue? 5. In which prowince is tht towniftin watter provinsie is nierde dorp gembs 6. Beneken die kocrdinate van die volgende punle op die kaont/Dolermine then coordinotes of the following points on the mop: 6.1. \( \Delta 172(13) \) 6.2 Diggings by Onsgeluk (D2) 6.3. Spitskop • 1485 (89) 7. Bereken die grodent fussen \( \$ 36 \) (ES) en \( \Delta 172 \) (J3). 8. Bcreken die ware peling fussen die volgende punte:/Calculate the true bearing between the following points: 8.1 136 na Drive-In Thealfo (F9) 8.2. Winkel (A9) na Windpomp (BS) 8.3. Brandkop Durn na \( -R \) (E3) 9. Bereken die Magnetiese Peilng van die bo-slaande punte (Vraog 8) as iy 'n Mogneliese Deklinasie van \( 22^{\circ} 10^{\prime} \) Wes het./Calculate the Mognetic Beoring Detween the points (Guestion 8) if the Magnetic Declinalion is \( 22^{\circ} 10^{\circ} \) West 10. Wat is die hoogte bo seevlak van die dam in H57/What is the height obove sealevel of the dam in HS? 11. Wat is die koartverwysingsnommer van die kaarl Suldoos van die 2926 A A Bloemfontein koart?/What is the map reference sheet of the map South East of the 2926 AA Bloemfontein map?

Ask by Clarke Hobbs. in Lesotho
Feb 01,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


To answer these questions, I need specific data from the topographic map, such as coordinates, elevations, and distances between points. Please provide the necessary information to proceed.


Let's break down the questions step by step and extract the known conditions for each question. ### 1. Topographic Map - **Known Condition**: The question refers to a topographic map, which typically shows elevation, terrain features, and landforms. ### 2. Water Features and Settlement Type - **Known Condition**: The question asks about water features and the type of settlement in Kwaggafontein. We need to analyze the map for water bodies and settlement patterns. ### 3. Area of Brandkop Dam - **Known Condition**: We need to calculate the perimeter of Brandkop Dam in meters. This requires the dimensions or a scale from the map. ### 4. Routes Indicated on the Map - **Known Condition**: The question asks for two routes indicated in red and blue on the map. We need to identify these routes. ### 5. Province of Town - **Known Condition**: The question asks for the province of a specific town. We need to refer to the map for this information. ### 6. Coordinates of Points - **Known Condition**: We need to determine the coordinates of specific points on the map: - \( \Delta 172(13) \) - Diggings by Onsgeluk (D2) - Spitskop • 1485 (89) ### 7. Gradient Calculation - **Known Condition**: We need to calculate the gradient between two points: \( \$ 36 \) (ES) and \( \Delta 172 \) (J3). The formula for gradient is: \[ \text{Gradient} = \frac{\text{Change in height}}{\text{Horizontal distance}} \] ### 8. True Bearing Calculation - **Known Condition**: We need to calculate the true bearing between the following points: - 136 na Drive-In Thealfo (F9) - Winkel (A9) na Windpomp (BS) - Brandkop Durn na \( -R \) (E3) ### 9. Magnetic Bearing Calculation - **Known Condition**: We need to calculate the magnetic bearing of the points from question 8, considering a magnetic declination of \( 22^{\circ} 10^{\prime} \) West. ### 10. Height Above Sea Level - **Known Condition**: We need to find the height above sea level of the dam in H57. ### 11. Map Reference Number - **Known Condition**: We need to find the map reference sheet of the map southeast of the 2926 AA Bloemfontein map. ### Next Steps To proceed, we will need specific data from the topographic map to answer questions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, and 11. For questions 7, 8, and 9, we can perform calculations if we have the necessary height and distance data. Please provide the necessary data from the map or any additional information to continue solving these questions.

Answered by UpStudy AI and reviewed by a Professional Tutor

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Bonus Knowledge

Did you know that topographic maps date back to the late 18th century? They were first used in military operations to help soldiers navigate the terrain. These maps provide detailed information about the landscape, such as elevation changes, contours, and landforms, making them crucial for hikers, engineers, and anyone who loves the great outdoors! When working with coordinates on a map, a common mistake is assuming the points are straightforward. Always double-check if you're referencing the correct map scale or grid, as even a tiny miscalculation can lead to interesting, albeit unintentional, adventures! So, ensure you've got your compass and math ready before setting off on any map reading escapades!

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