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9 Briefly explain what is a 'landlocked country' and give an example countries that are landlocked by South Africa with its capital city.

Ask by Ingram Schwartz. in South Africa
Jan 19,2025

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A 'landlocked country' is a nation entirely surrounded by land without access to any ocean or sea. Examples include Lesotho and Eswatini, both of which are surrounded by South Africa.


A 'landlocked country' is a nation that is entirely surrounded by land and does not have any coastline or direct access to an ocean or sea. This geographical characteristic can impact a country's trade, economy, and transportation options, as it relies on neighboring countries for access to maritime routes. In the context of South Africa, there are several landlocked countries. The countries that are landlocked by South Africa are: 1. **Lesotho** - Capital: Maseru 2. **Eswatini** (formerly known as Swaziland) - Capital: Mbabane These countries are entirely surrounded by South African territory.

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A landlocked country is one that is entirely surrounded by land and does not have any coastline or direct access to the ocean. This can pose certain economic challenges, including trade difficulties, as these countries often rely on their neighbors for port access. A prime example of a landlocked country in Southern Africa is Lesotho, which is an enclave entirely surrounded by South Africa and has Maseru as its capital city. Another landlocked country in the region is Eswatini, formerly known as Swaziland. Eswatini is also surrounded by South Africa, with its capital at Mbabane. These countries often rely on trade agreements with neighboring coastal nations to access global markets and resources!

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