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2. The breaking up of rocks by wind, water, and ice is called A. recrystallization B. cementation C. weathering

Ask by Lawson Sanders. in the United States
Feb 03,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


La meteorización es el proceso en el que las rocas se descomponen por viento, agua y hielo.


La respuesta correcta es: **C. meteorización** **Explicación:** La meteorización es el proceso mediante el cual las rocas se descomponen y fragmentan debido a la acción de agentes naturales como el viento, el agua y el hielo. Este proceso puede ser mecánico (físico) o químico y es fundamental para la formación del suelo y la remodelación del paisaje.

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The Deep Dive

Weathering is nature's very own demolition crew! It's an essential geological process where elements like wind, water, and ice chip away at rocks, breaking them down into smaller pieces. This gradual transformation can take thousands or even millions of years, giving rise to stunning landscapes and soil formation that supports ecosystems. So next time you take a hike, remember that the trail you walk on is a result of weathering at work! Now, the real-world application of understanding weathering is huge! For example, in agriculture, knowing how weathering affects soil composition can help farmers decide what crops to plant. Additionally, in construction, understanding the weathering process can influence decisions on materials and designs, especially in regions prone to erosion or extreme weather. So, in essence, weathering plays a key role in both nature and human endeavors!

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