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Name: \( \qquad \) Agbay, Kris May Gr.\&Sec.: \( \qquad \) Score: \( \qquad \) Date: \( \qquad \) \( 2121 / 25 \) MASTERY TEST 4.1 I. IDENTIFICATION: Read each description carefully and write what/who is being asked. \( \qquad \) 1. He is considered as the father of Trigonometry. \( \qquad \) 2. Give the 2 Greek words where the word Trigonometry came from \( \qquad \) 3. \( \qquad \) 4. He wrote the Almagest. \( \qquad \) 5. He wrote the first textbook to bear the title Trigonometry. \( \qquad \) 6. He discovered sine and cosine. \( \qquad \) 7. He discovered tangent. \( \qquad \) 8. They applied the methods \( \qquad \) 9. of analysis to trigonometry \( \qquad \) 10.

Ask by Carrillo Logan. in the Philippines
Feb 21,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


Here are the answers to the identification questions: 1. **Father of Trigonometry:** Hipparchus 2. **Greek Words for Trigonometry:** "Trigonon" (triangle) and "metron" (measure) 3. **(Missing Description)** 4. **Wrote the Almagest:** Claudius Ptolemy 5. **First Trigonometry Textbook:** Bartholomaeus Pitiscus 6. **Discovered Sine and Cosine:** Aryabhata 7. **Discovered Tangent:** Nasir al-Din al-Tusi 8. **(Missing Description)** 9. **Applied Methods to Trigonometry:** (Missing Description) 10. **(Missing Description)** Please provide the missing descriptions for questions 3, 8, 9, and 10 for complete answers.


Here are the answers to the identification questions based on the descriptions provided: 1. **He is considered as the father of Trigonometry.** **Answer:** Hipparchus 2. **Give the 2 Greek words where the word Trigonometry came from.** **Answer:** "Trigonon" (triangle) and "metron" (measure) 3. **(This question is missing a description; please provide it for an answer.)** 4. **He wrote the Almagest.** **Answer:** Claudius Ptolemy 5. **He wrote the first textbook to bear the title Trigonometry.** **Answer:** Bartholomaeus Pitiscus 6. **He discovered sine and cosine.** **Answer:** Aryabhata 7. **He discovered tangent.** **Answer:** Nasir al-Din al-Tusi 8. **They applied the methods.** **Answer:** (This question is missing a description; please provide it for an answer.) 9. **of analysis to trigonometry.** **Answer:** (This question is missing a description; please provide it for an answer.) 10. **(This question is missing a description; please provide it for an answer.)** If you have additional descriptions for questions 3, 8, 9, and 10, please provide them for complete answers.

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1. Hipparchus 2. "Trigonon" (triangle) and "metron" (measure) 3. 4. Claudius Ptolemy 5. Bartholomaeus Pitiscus 6. Aryabhata 7. Hugh Montgomery 8. Indian mathematicians 9. Persian and Arab scholars 10.

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