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Do You Remember? Read each sentence below. Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence is false. \( \begin{array}{l}\text { 1. No one expected Mt. St. Helens to blow up. } \\ \text { 2. George Pickett and his family escaped from the volcano } \\ \text { 3. Ash was shot twelve miles into the sky. } \\ \text { 4. David Crockett died in a boiling sea of mud. } \\ \text { 5. Ash filled the air and made it hard to breathe. } \\ \text { 6. The volcano caused huge mud slides. } \\ \text { volcano. }\end{array} \begin{array}{l}\text { 8. People } 100 \text { miles away could feel the effects of the } \\ \text { volcano. }\end{array} \)

Ask by Ward Hamilton. in the United States
Feb 20,2025

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1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. T


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The Deep Dive

1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 8. T The eruption of Mt. St. Helens in 1980 was indeed surprising for many, but scientists had observed warning signs such as earthquakes weeks before the eruption. As for George Pickett, he was a notable Civil War general and not directly involved in the events surrounding the volcano. However, many families in the surrounding areas had to evacuate quickly to escape the dangers of the eruption! The ash plume from Mt. St. Helens reached an astounding height of about 12 miles and spread ash across several states. It caused respiratory issues for those nearby and drastically affected the local environment, leading to mudslides that buried homes and roads. This catastrophic event serves as a powerful reminder of nature's unpredictability!

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