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Types of Rocks By Chity Sherwood Matah each vocabulary word tiom the reading possage with the comect cleftrition. \( \qquad \) 1. ensias a. a type of rock that forms from magina finside the earit's crust) or lava (outide the earth's crust \( \qquad \) 2. grain b. shiny, black valcanic rock with sharp edges \( \qquad \) 3. core c. a type of rock that is formed by layers of materials, such as shells, sand, or clay \( \qquad \) 4. volcano d. solid objects that have naturally occurring geometric forms \( \qquad \) 5. igneous rock e. US. National Memorial with the faces of four US. preisidents carved into a huge rock \( \qquad \) 6. geologist f. the center of the earth \( \qquad \) 7. sedimentary rock : 9. a type of rock that undergoes changes because of heat and pressure \( \qquad \) 8. obsidian b. very smal paricle \( \qquad \) 9. metamorphic rock- I a mountain or hil with a crater in the center from which lava, gas, and rock pieces erup \( \qquad \) 10. Mount Rushmore I. a scientist who studies the earth, including rocks Super Peacher Wortateets moxes supertecolenwricheetcerm

Ask by Hardy Zimmerman. in the United States
Feb 10,2025

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1. **igneous rock** – a type of rock that forms from magma (inside the earth's crust) or lava (outside the earth's crust) 2. **grain** – very small particles 3. **core** – the center of the earth 4. **volcano** – a mountain or hill with a crater in the center from which lava, gas, and rock pieces erupt 5. **metamorphic rock** – a type of rock that undergoes changes because of heat and pressure 6. **geologist** – a scientist who studies the earth, including rocks 7. **sedimentary rock** – a type of rock formed by layers of materials like shells, sand, or clay 8. **obsidian** – shiny, black volcanic rock with sharp edges 9. **Mount Rushmore** – U.S. National Memorial with the faces of four U.S. presidents carved into a huge rock


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Extra Insights

When diving into the fascinating world of rocks, did you know that the early Earth was entirely molten? As it cooled, different types of rocks formed. Igneous rocks originate from cooled magma or lava, while sedimentary rocks emerged from the accumulation of particles, such as sand and shells. Fun fact: sedimentary rocks can even preserve fossils! Ever wonder how to identify these rock types in the field? First, look closely at their texture! Igneous rocks often have a granular appearance due to crystal formations, while sedimentary rocks display layering. For metamorphic rocks, check for foliation, which gives them a banded look. And remember, always ensure you have permission if you're collecting rocks outdoors!

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