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type of map that shows landscapes, soil types, nountains, etc.

Ask by Delgado Perkins. in the United States
Jan 14,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


A **topographic map** shows landscapes, soil types, mountains, and other physical features.


The type of map that shows landscapes, soil types, mountains, and other physical features is called a **topographic map**. Topographic maps represent the three-dimensional features of the terrain in two dimensions, using contour lines to indicate elevation and relief. They often include details such as rivers, lakes, forests, and land use, making them useful for various applications, including hiking, land planning, and environmental studies.

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The Deep Dive

Ah, you're thinking of topographic maps! These special maps are like the Google Earth of yore, detailing elevations, terrain types, and natural features with contour lines that resemble a funky roller coaster. They provide a ton of information at a glance—whether you're exploring hiking trails or studying geography for school, they help us understand the world's shapes and contours in detail. Now, if you're ever planning on exploring or hiking in a new area, having a topographic map on hand is like having a trusty sidekick! Not only does it show elevation changes and landforms, but it can also help you avoid those pesky steep climbs or find the perfect picnic spot by a river. Just be sure to study the contour lines and scale; they’ll hold the secret to navigating those tricky terrains without losing your way!

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