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Which of the following is a true statement? (A) India has a single, very long river that brings water to the entire country. ( In the summer, big winds called monsoons bring lots of rain and thunderstorms (C) India contains over a dozen active and inactive volcanoes. (D) India is surrounded by mountains on all four sides.

Ask by French Davison. in the United States
Jan 14,2025

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The true statement is: **In the summer, big winds called monsoons bring lots of rain and thunderstorms.**


The true statement is: **(B) In the summer, big winds called monsoons bring lots of rain and thunderstorms.** **Explanation:** - **(A) India has a single, very long river that brings water to the entire country.** - *False.* India has several major river systems, such as the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Indus, rather than a single river supplying the entire country. - **(B) In the summer, big winds called monsoons bring lots of rain and thunderstorms.** - *True.* The monsoon season is a significant weather pattern in India, bringing substantial rainfall and thunderstorms, especially during the summer months. - **(C) India contains over a dozen active and inactive volcanoes.** - *False.* India has very few volcanic regions, primarily in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and does not have over a dozen active or inactive volcanoes. - **(D) India is surrounded by mountains on all four sides.** - *False.* While India is bordered by the Himalayan mountain range to the north, its other borders are mainly seas (the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, and Bay of Bengal), not mountains.

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The Deep Dive

The summer monsoon is indeed a significant weather event in India, characterized by heavy rainfall, thunderstorms, and powerful winds. It typically occurs from June to September and is crucial for agriculture, filling rivers and lakes, and replenishing groundwater, making it essential for the vast majority of India’s farmers. While India is home to the Himalayas in the north, it is not surrounded by mountains on all sides. The country features a diverse geography that includes plains, plateaus, and coastal areas, providing a variety of ecosystems and habitats. The western and eastern coasts of India flank the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, respectively, adding to its geographical diversity.

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